Filter product by their prices using React.js, Sass and Bootstrap

👋Hi there, We will be creating price filter using React.js, with the help of this filter we can arrange products in "Low To High" or "High To Low" price order.

You can download the source code by clicking the below download button. For understanding the source code you must have some basic knowledge of React.js and SASS.

I hope this project will be helpful for you and add some value into your React.js journey. Thanks for reading.


  • Drop Down menu to select filter options
  • Arrange products according to their prices. "Low To High" or "High To Low" order

Follow the steps to setup and run the project on your local system.

Step: 1

Download source code file

Step: 2

In the main directory (outermost folder) run the command : `npm install`

Step: 3

To start the development server run the command: `npm start`

Step: 4

🎉Hurray! You have successfully setup and run the project.

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